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About Me

My name is Vinod Sharma! and here is my story.

I have 23 years of experience in web development. At my 9-to-5 job, I manage the planning, development & release of million-dollar web applications. I adopted several strategies to get my team to focus on the highest-priority items and get the most out of their day.

I built Quarterly Planning Workbook to provide you with the same technique to help you focus on what matters the most and get the most out of your day.

I want you to re-engage with your career and be intentional with the direction your career is headed. I will help you with time management, quarterly goal-setting, and self-improvement so you focus on what matters the most and get the most out of your day. You can change your life one day at a time.

I’m looking forward to being on this journey with you.

Writing gives me mental clarity and makes me feel calm, composed, and organized.

I started writing on Medium four years ago and started a YouTube channel last year. A significant mindset shift occurred when I saw 150,000 monthly views on my articles. In April 2022, I joined Ship 30 For 30, which has completely revamped my writing trajectory. They helped me build daily writing habits and asked me to write each essay on one topic for one person to get one outcome.

I have written 250 articles and 45 newsletters and built three products over the last 10 months.

Why should you connect with me?

Your transformation begins when you understand who you are, what excites you, and what gives you energy. Embark on your journey with me to discover your dreams and decide what you want to become. I write about time management, goal-setting, and web development trends.

I value education, career, personal finance, friends & family. You can make a massive shift in your life by taking one small action in these areas.​

Thank you so much for reading. Did you like who I am and what I stand for? If you enjoyed this about me, then let’s connect on Twitter 👉 @VinodSharma10x